We ship with DHL.
Prices for packaging and shipping:
Shipping within Germany:
up to 5 kg = 5,00 €
5 - 10 kg = 9,00 €
10 kg and more = 22,00 €
Shipping within EU:
up to 2 kg = 14,00 €
2 - 10 kg = 28,00 €
10 - 20 kg = 45,00 €
20 kg and more = 89,00 €
Shipping outside EU:
up to 5 kg = 22,00 €
5 - 10 kg = 44,00 €
5 kg and more = 189,00 €
We ship outside the EU to the following countries: Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Georgia, Guernsey, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Qatar, Croatia, Malaysia, Morocco, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Parkistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Belarus, Egypt, USA